Hopelessly In Love

I’m just a few steps away,
You stand so close,
Yet so far away.
I love you so much,
But you love her so,
You say you care for me,
But you care for her more,
I’ll always come second to you,
But you’ll always come first to me.
I love you,
Why can’t you see that?
You asked me one time,
How I felt about you?
I said it wasn’t love,
But now,
It is.
I find myself thinking constantly about you,
I find myself smiling at the little things you do,
I listen to every word you say,
I take everything you do in,
And I hold it in my heart.
Your too in live with her,
To ever notice a girl like me,
I’m so ordinary,
So plain,
I’m too fat,
Too ugly,
Too far from what you like.
Why can’t you see how hopelessly in love I am with you?
No one understands,
People say I should stay away from you,
They say you’ll ruin me,
But I think you’re the best for me.
You understand my must with horses,
You understand that I hate my mom,
You protect me from my worst nightmares,
But do you know what those are?
You say you love me,
Is it just a friend love,
Or are you in love with me?
I say it back,
You think it means just as a friend,
I mean it as I’m in love with you.
What happens when I slip up and you actually know how I feel?
Will you push me away?
Will you crush my heart?
You once asked me,
What I would do for you?
I said anything.
Because you’ve made my heart thud like no other,
You made me fall in love so easily,
You captured my heart and kept it with you,
You’ve been there for me so many countless times,
I wish I can forever pay you back.
When will you see that I can’t take just being friends?
Am I just another side girl,
That you’ll fuck and just turn the shoulder to.
I’m so hopelessly in love with you,
But your to blinded in love to see,
That I could be someone special for you,
If you just let me in.
But no.
There’s a better, special girl in your life.
You know she’ll never be yours,
But yet you try so hard.
You know she hates what you do with her,
But yet you keep doing it.
Maybe if you let her be,
And be mine,
She would like you a tiny bit more.
But instead,
You’ll never be mine,
You’ll never hold me like you love me,
Instead I’m just a friend,
That’ll put out,
Just because I’m in love with you.
I should get over this stupid feelings,
I thought love was for people who actually had a life,
But I’ll never be a lover to you,
Because you just love me as a friend,
Nothing more.
So as I slowly end this,
A few tears run down my cheeks,
I’m so hopelessly in love with you,
Yet you’ll never be mine.