My Poem For Noah

Me, I'm not perfect
But you..
You are Beyond
I mean my god
You have done
The unthinkable
And thought to be impossible
You started loving me.
Listen to this words
They can Fly
Just like the birds:

You are my love
My pure bliss
A beautiful dove
My Perfect Kiss
When I'm with you
My heart skips
Theses words are true
Not those fibs
Sure these words may have no rhyme
But hopefully they can in time
No words, no analogies, no metaphors
Could ever explain how much
I Love You

I can tell you
But its easier to show you
My heart plays a loud song
Listen close, yours plays along
Day by Day
My love grows stronger
As time gets longer
My heart keeps growing fonder
Your my High
Tell me that this is love
Because i swear it is
I'm falling into that abyss
Farther and farther with each and every kiss
I'm not sure you know
Know exactly how i feel
I feel free
Free to be me
I feel safe
Safe in your arms
I feel happy
Happy i have you
But most of all,
I feel Loved
Loved by You
And that means the world,
No it means the universe
It means Everything to me

This is my innocent high
You my brand of heroin
the addiction i always fail to resist
You my All
I'll walk in front of a car for you
I'll take a bullet for you
I'll bleed all the blood from my veins for you
Baby I'd die for you
No hesitation
No second thought
I will do anything and everything for you

I'd go through hell
Take all the pain in the world
All that suffering
All the hate
All the anger
All the confusion
I'd take all of it within my soul
To see you happy
To see you smile, laugh and live care free

I know this is no rhyme
Didn't even make it in time
Although you indeed are mine
I'm not going to share
If one dares to take you
I will beat them black and blue

So heres to you
My boo
Guess what, I Love You <3
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is for my current boyfriend, i love him with all my heart and soul and soo much more. Sorry its So long but hey, i love writing and if you think about it, Love is to creative for paper