Human Nature

Human nature is to want.
But want what?
Lend me your ear a moment.

The human nature wants: To be loved.
But to what extent?
Love should not come from drugs or street corners.
Love should not be measured by what the body can do.
Love should be measured by what the heart alone can give.

The human nature wants: To be rich.
But how?
Riches should not come from fighting our way to the top.
Riches should not come from trampling those with less.
Riches should come from how much we give without getting back.

The human nature wants: To be accepted.
But why?
Acceptance cannot come from changing who you are.
Acceptance cannot come from those who put you down.
Acceptance can and should and will only come from a loving heart,
a caring hand,
a tender word.

Of all the human nature's wants, those of love, riches, and acceptance
are the strongest.
Of all the things a soul can give, those of love, riches, and
acceptance are full of the most impact.
Of all the things your life should show, those of love, riches, and
acceptance are the most wonderful.
