This is how I feel about ch'you


I scream for your love...
I urn for it

At night I cry because...
You are not my own

I flirt with you...
Because that is all we can do

I tend to stare...
You beauty makes me weak

Your laugh...
Oh so hard to forget

Your eyes...
When you look into mine I cannot control myself

Your hands...
I wish I could hold them

I wish...
You would love me
You were all of my own
We could go further than flirting
I could stare into our eyes for the rest of my life
You would laugh to me, for me
I could get lost in your eyes
That they would run over every curve of my body

These are things I will remember you by
These are my thoughts
These are my wishes
These, these are just... meaningless to someone else but to me they hold