Sweet intoxicating pill.

Oh little circles of white
inject me with your poison
jump into my throat
and slide until out of sight.

Spots of sugary sweetness
dot down the passage to my stomach
an empty, hollow hole
that with something it needs to be filled.

hold me down and make me still
and lay a siege for as long as you will
elevate my spirit, capture my mind
do what you want, you don't have to be kind.

But pretty please stay
for haunted I am
and you and you alone
can calm my raging seas.

take the pain and numb it
replace it with your peace
of this consistent, constant agony
I need to be relieved.

I'd rather not you kill me
for with you that is not my intent
all i want is to be set free
from my many tortures and torments.

So kill the fire
take me higher
for as long as you will
over take me
illuminate me
you sweet intoxicating pill.