Wake Me From This Nightmare

If only words could define my lack thereof,

My utter horror to my slipping love,

Trapped in a vice of my own emotion,

To my mind occured a trivial notion,

With my heart dragging me into a wall,

Is this reality after all?

Could such a horror of a love so one-sided,

A love once flourishing, a magnificence once abided,

One coming nearer, the other shying away,

One unsure, the other there to stay,

"I love you!" recieves no such reply,

And a young heart shrivels to die,

Agony of such cannot be of average fare,

Please, someone, wake me from this nightmare,

Worshipping time since it changes all,

Hoping, praying, that you hear its call,

And someday soon, a moment will come,

Two pairs of lips will touch and two minds will numb,

To the finality of an embrace so longly desired,

But time is long, and slow to be sired,

Playing time's game and enduring the pain,

I've burned through it all for you as my gain,

Chances are slim and chances are sin,

So resorted have I to hoping again,

That someday your heart will change for me,

And I could finally be what I've always wanted to be...
