Ashley In Ashes

I write on my arms for you
I cry for you
I would die for you
I promised myself nothing would take you away
I miss you tomorrow and today
Nothing could make this better
I hope you read my last letter
I can't see you anymore and I hate it
You put a smile on my face
Your sister found you dead in this place
Mother sweet mother we will miss you baby oh so much
You can lean on me forever as your crutch
Daddy loving daddy was the devils water sweeter then her smile
In your daughters heart you never rested
Your fits of rage you have bested
Sister dear sister I know we where never close
But you know my swarms of the east coast
Family of the foresaken, I pray under a Godless sky for you
Ashley... You hav been a great friend and this is true
I can hold back anymore
Your death I abhor
A cold body breaks this family of four
My heart beats red and hot
For your life I would have fought
Now your gone always forever
Our ties you tried to sever
This smile I wear is a mask
In the eternal light you bask
This goodbye is my last a heavy shadow this day will cast
Guns and blades
I will never let your memmory fade
You rest and know peace
As I fight and move east
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me what you think of it