
What is “perfect”?
Is there even a “perfect”?
I assume there must be if such a word exist.
I mean, if there wasn’t such a thing as perfection how would the word come to be?
As defined by Google, perfect is “Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. ”.
“as good as it is possible to be”, that stood out to me.
If something is just as good as it can be is it really perfect?
If this is the case, wouldn't everything be perfect, being as good as it can be?
If a batter tries his or her best to hit a home run but just misses it is that not as good as he or she could get?
So wouldn't that make it a perfect swing or would it be considered a failure because it is not a home run?
We as humans are forever saying “no one's perfect” but are we right?
If everyone tries their best does that not make them perfect?
Or maybe I'm wrong,
maybe I'm giving the word lesser value than it deserves.
Oh well, I suppose I could be wrong I mean I not perfect
Or am I?