My Superhero's Tears

Confusion clear
on my face,
as I look
at the person
that you’re always
suppose to be able
to lean on and trust;
The person that is afraid and hurt by nothing,
but here he stands crying;
and not tears of joy.
This is the man
that taught me
the rules of football,
How to change a tire, and Repair an engine.
The man who taught me
how to tell the difference
between a classic
and a peice of rusting steel.
The man who
got rid of all my boogymen.
The man who killed the
ucky bugs and spiders.
The man who fixed all my booboos
kissed them and
made them better.
The man who warned me against guys,
and taught me how to shoot a gun.
I thought he was invincible;
that he could deal with any thing.
That nothing could hurt him.
He didn’t cry when his father
killed himself on my birthday.
But here he is
bawling his eyes out
like the little girl I am would.
And I wonder what
could make my Superman
like this?
Then I remember
Jesus cried too
when he thought he
lost someone he loved.
Then it hits me.
Daddy thinks hes losing me to
boys, college, bright lights,
golden oppertunites,
and everything he’s
told me I could achieve.