One for Everyone

In the end everyone dies happy
You may think it’s a bunch of B.S
But its not!

We were all put on this planet for a reason
We are all on this planet as a working piece
Without you we won’t work
If you don’t take a risk the world doesn’t work right

Life may kick you when you’re down
But you need to find the support of others
As a helping hand to get you up
If you think there is no one there
Check again, there is always one person
Who will be there for you
When ever you need them

We’ve all have been or will be
At the point where it seems like the end
But it should never be the end
If you’re going to die never take you life
It’s never worth it

You are loved and cared about
If you end your life
You are hurting everyone
Who cares about you
If they don’t show
They need to step it up
But there are people out there for everyone

It took a dramatic thing in my life to find mine
But now that I know who they are
My life has improved