What almost was

Love, terrifying, unreachable, love.
How could you not know she has your face?

Mind, insistent, rebellious, mind.
You need to be put back in your place

Words, painful and beautiful, words.
Could you not force my voice to sing?

Time, clever, unstoppable, time.
Can you not slow down and let me breathe?

Music, outrageously wonderful, music
These days your my only constant friend.

Heart, restless, incurable, heart.
I do believe we've reached the end.

World, heartless and magical, world.
Remember me as I almost was.

And Love, I didn't forget you my Love.
Remember to smile as she always does.
♠ ♠ ♠
Something I wrote in the point of view of one of my friends who's having a really sucking time right now