Perfect Rhymes With Effect

Fate dangles poison in one's face.
Then easily swipes what's given away.

I remember..
Staring deeply into your beautiful blue eyes at first site,
Rushing to speak,
In desperation to react
Before I turn from a solid into gas
And slowly drift away flying.

Who knew?
I'm an addict.
Addicted to the injection released into my veins.
When it's not in my possession,
I'm driven insane.
I tell myself "I'll only try it if it's there."
When it's gone,
I tell myself "This isn't fair!!!"
If I said I wasn't inlove; I would be a liar.
Admitting your foolish is the thing about denial.

I'm sober now,
I gave it up.
Being under addiction
Was three years of bad luck.
Next time I taste poison,
My body will reject it.
Being safe from affection.
♠ ♠ ♠
No, I am not on drugs.
If you read closely, you'll catch the drift.