Dream Today

We’ll play outside today.
Do cartwheels and pirouettes.
We’ll run through the sprinklers.
Come along and move with me.

We’ll paint the sky green today.
Color rainbow clouds and purple grass.
We’ll draw each other and color our faces blue.
Come with me and we’ll move together.

We’ll sit by the fire and read today.
Flood our minds with vivid pictures.
We’ll read pages of books together.
Follow me and move along.

We’ll knit fuzzy scarves today.
Have yarn ball fights and fence with knitting needles.
We’ll embroider our names into our creations.
Come hither and we will move.

We’ll make pretty songs today.
Sing along to the piano tune.
We’ll hum a melody and burst out into song.
Come now and move slowly.

We’ll lay down in eternal sleep today.
Next to each other we’ll lay.
We’ll float away dreaming of our lives yesterday.
Come, follow me and we’ll move together forever.