I Remember

I Remember
I remember it
Like it were yesterday
When the moving lorry came
And your status said ‘Moving away’

That day when
I had tears in my eyes
We all stood together
Saying are final goodbyes

Now I only see you
On holidays
Your so different
From your old ways

I miss those times
We’d sit for hours
Talking about anything
Like time was all ours

We’d take pictures together
So many that I still have
Dressing up like freaks
You make such a good chav

I remember those times
We’d go walking with my parents
Look in all the shops
Especially the ones with a sale for clearance

Tears come to my eyes
When I think of how
Far away you are
I wish you were here with me now

I hope you like this
Poem I’ve written
The only good thing I can think of
Is at last your still in Britain

When I see the pictures of you with your new friends
I feel jealousy I wouldn’t normally admit
I’m glad you found happiness
When you thought there wouldn’t be another bit.

We’ve definitely had a share of disagreements And silly little fights
But when it comes down to it
I want you to know you can trust me with anything
Just like I can trust you with every little bit

So as your reading this I want you to think
Of all the memories we’ve shared
All the times we laughed so hard we can’t breath
All the times I’ve cared

About the problems you’ve told me
The things you didn’t think you could tell anyone
We’ll be best friends for ever and ever
Now my poems finally done
♠ ♠ ♠
Please Tell Me What You Think!! x