
Some people call me crazy
some call me insaine
for they think cutting would hurt
when really it just takes my pain away
the cuts all down my arms remind me every day
that i am saddly still alive in every possible way.
it seems it will never end
the terror deep within
the pain hits so deep
to where cutting is the only way to get relief
you say find a "safer" way
well i have tried theres is no other way
there is no cure for what i do
the only way for the cutting to stop
is to make all the pain and hurt disapear
and we all know that will never be a possibility in this cruel world
so if you still have the question of why i cut
just read the scars all over my arms and they will reveil everything
the secrets of why i do what i do
the secrets of why i am who i am
cutting is my one and only solution
this i know to be true.