Can I Get Over Him

They all told me to let him go,
for holding on would only hurt my heart and soul,
i wanted to take there advise and believe me i tried,
but there is just one simple fact,
he had to hard of an impact.

All the lonely nights i have cried myself to sleep,
dear god how i wish i could end the pain and misery,
i keep telling myself i will get over him,
and some day this will be true,
but at this moment i am still to weak,
for it even hurts to speak of his name.

I am tired of lying to the one's who love me,
i feel like its the only way,
to truely get them off my case.

This whole first true love thing is harder than it seemed,
because when it came down to it,
his love broke me more than any thing,
i keep asking myself when will i really be over him,
but i never get a response,
so i guess when it comes down to it,
the cold hard truth is,
i may not ever be able to get over him...............