Those Times

Those times when you screw up,
and sorry doesn't work.
The times when there's no words,
to know how much it hurts.

Those times when you upset your most loved,
and can't take the path to get them back.
The times when the only other choice is to let them go,
But it'll rip you apart and turn everything a darker black.

Those times when your unsure,
whether you screwed up or they misunderstood.
The times when they won't listen and your affraid to speak,
because you might make things worse if you could.

Those times when you don't want to say anything,
so you don't hurt anyone like you did that loved one.
The times when you should speak to help,
but don't because all your words come undone.

Those times when you have to choose,
between things that may come out bad either way.
The times when your faced with a choice,
that's either black or white with nothing of grey.