Trust (Title may vary)

Silently I sat, as the wind whispered in my ear
“Do not be afraid, we all must learn to fly”
So I listened to the wind, I let my fragile wings fly
I didn’t worry, when the ground ran faster
and faster to me. I didn’t worry when reality
caught up to be. I worried the most when the
air finally caught the weight of what I was holding.

I never trusted the cold night that whispers
trying to tell you of all the beauty it holds.
They told me the night was dangerous,
sometimes its best to not be too bold.
With all said, I still followed the night,
it winked back at me, grinning with
mischief that makes fathers worry for
their daughters.

I never trusted the day either , no matter how warm
the sun looked. Just because you can see the danger
doesn’t make it any less real. I still went with the day,
it smiled that smile that makes you do a double take,
because you thought you saw something in it.
The day stared at me; it showed me colors in all
different forms, If only I wasn’t distracted by glittery objects.