
We all know what everyone deserves
but it's hardly in our power to give it to them
true love and care for others in need runs through most everyone
but the courage to act and help them only goes to few
I want to ship my house off to another country
where young children sleep in the dirt
and mothers sacrifice their food
I want to give them everything I have
but there's no way I can
for if I give them everything, what do I have left?
Inherently I become a selfish monster
because I sit here and complain about petty things
While kids are starving in the cold in other countries
It's a vicious cycle
You say, why not just give a mere dollar per month for a good cause?
I already do
but for my wishes to come true
for everyone to be able to have what I have
a modest life in a safe suburb - that was just handed to me, spoon fed
is not in the least, realistic
for there are too many causes in the world that I'd like to give to
I don't have millions of houses to give to children without homes
I don't have pounds of rice to give to every family that is famished
I don't have intelligence to solve the world's diseases
But I can try and help
A choice it is
Which causes should I give to, so that I can still live the life I want to live without restriction
a decision I must make, today.
and maybe, just maybe in future years
a family whose children were born into immense poverty
will have children
and their children, children too
and they will live a life similar to mine.