Dark Room

O' dark room this is where it all began.
You have entraped me here once again.
I'm here for feeling lonely, stress, depress, and anger.
All of these are signs of me in danger.
I have fought to push them far away.
Whenever it comes back, the longer it stay.
So dark room you claim to protect me.
From what? I just want to be free.
I don't like to be in this darkness.
When I'm here, I bring anxieties and weakness.
I believe I'm being drifted away from this universe.
Could this be a blessing or a curse?
I have drifted in the shadows in the dark.
This room has left on me its mark.
There's no hope of me coming back from the dead.
Without me here maybe they will get ahead.
At least in this room I can be me.
But away from the dark room I still wish to be free.