The Imperfection

A newborn's cry
A young mother
A father turning his back

The babe was imperfect
The babe was bound to destroy
The babe was a weakness

A weakness, they say
The human race has been made weak
Every flaw has destroyed the idea of purity

A world where one man can destroy imperfection
A world where a man can judge perfection
A world where a man can make the human race strong

Broken eyes
Broken ears
Broken hearts

Every flaw must be destroyed
Every flaw must be obliterated
No flaw must exist

A woman steals a babe
She has stolen before
She saves

A woman holds the babe
A woman cares for the toddler
A woman nurses the sick child

The woman has but 300 imperfections
She saves them from a terrible fate
Her eyes are open

Her 300 imperfections are children
Children like you and me
Children with flaws

While the imperfections are destroyed
The human race grows stronger
The human race prospers

With one man's obsession
With one man's idea
With one man's knife

He erases the imperfections
He eliminates the flaws of humanity
He creates a stronger world

A man with glasses
A woman with appendicitis
An elderly couple

All are imperfections
All are flawed
All are put to death

The woman sees through flaws
The woman saves the flaws
The woman sees an unjust world

Deep in her heart she knows it must end
Deep in her heart she knows it must end
Deep in her heart she knkws it must end

But stepping up
But taking action
But doing something

Is true perfection.
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem was written about a man with an obsession with a perfect world. He has taken over, and slaughters anything with a physical or mental flaw. His ultimate goal is to make the human race powerful and rid it of all "imperfections". Until a woman who rescues these "imperfection" destroys his evil.