49 Days Later

I am waiting here,
I'm waiting in the sky,
I'm looking down,
I see you cry.

Why are you crying?
You'll see me some day,
Just don't forget me,
You'll be okay.

I died last night,
And now you've been told,
I'm not here for you to see,
I'm no longer here for you to hold.

It was just my time to go,
But please keep holding tight,
I'm still here with you,
Every day and every night. 

I know you're old,
So was I,
I'm sorry I went first,
You saw me die.

But forty nine days later,
I see you die too,
You couldn't live without me,
And now once again I'm with you.

I can hold your hand,
We can replay our life,
We'd been married for over fifty years,
And you're still my beautiful wife.

And now we have both died,
We can't live the rest of our lives together,
So you can spend time here in my arms,
For the rest of forever.