Chronically Happy

We all know disease
Comes in every shape and size.
No one's excluded.
Medication for all-lows and highs!
Free America-
Each person's right to be wrong.
Just call yourself crazy,
And before it's been long
We believe it. Why not?
After all, we all feel crappy.
But who's ever heard of one
Who was born chronically happy?
It sounds like a blessing
To be permanently on rainbow-high,
And it is, until you stop feeling
And can't tell yourself why-
Why does the red look like blood?
The green turn to puke?
The yellow to piss,
Blue tears in one look.
Oh, the colors are there,
Blinding and smiling their ways
But they're deadly razors
Slicing the ever-present grey haze
Caught between left brain and right
The body's most crucial link
I'm where emotions overthrow thought
A terminal smile plastered on, as I sink.
♠ ♠ ♠
Do people even read these? If they do, I'm awfully sorry. I'm not much of a writer, but my thoughts may as well rot alone online, since they were going to rot alone in a notebook anyways. Much love xoxo