
So normal,

this day is,

except for one thing.

I died.

Sitting in my room,

accompanied by my old friend.

Who wears an invisible cloak,

until he removes the hood.

A face that has no skin,

no tissue.

Just bone.

He is quite handsome,

as he crosses the room,

to lean down to my ear.

He whispers" You've aged my dear."

I chuckle and reply,

"And you haven't changed a bit."

He smiles and offers me his arm.

"Why sir, I cannot possibly take our arm without knowing your name first."

"And I will tell you. My name,'

I take his bone arm and rise to my feet.

"My name is Death."

Down the road we walked.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a poem I wrote a little while ago and first allowed one of my friends use it for a project in our English class. Everyone in the class was really shocked that I of all people wrote it seeing as though I never do any of my assigned work, but they liked it none the less. Shortly after I posted it on my Facebook and everyone has been asking me if I have anymore work. Which I do. I want other people's opinions though, not those who are particularly biased towards my favor. This leads me to post it here, on Mibba. PLEASE comment, I would love to know if I really am any good!