When You Realize

When you realize your purpose on earth,
The plan that God had from your moment of birth,
Most will feel ecstatic, or at least overjoyed.
Moments of worry and doubt, they now can avoid.
Smiling at others as they search, dusk to dawn.
You've found your calling while they struggle on.

A purpose, a calling, a peek at the infinite plan,
Your niche in the universe for the betterment of man.
I've realized my purpose from Heaven afar,
Bring love to the hurting-whoever they are.
Everyone's heard of "friends for a season,"
But I've accepted that my calling is "love-for a reason."

Nothing specific-depends on the guy.
They come crawling my way, druggies, looking for a high.
So I feed the addiction, throwing love their way,
Always hopeful that one will love me back someday.
I provide the love necessary when there's no one else there.
While he scrambles, a lost soul drowning for air.

An enabler? Perhaps, but the love tastes so sweet.
And I help him get back on his own two feet.
I give him the power to walk away strong,
To leave me behind with a half-hearted 'so-long.'
They're addicted to love, little boys playing men,
And they know I'll still be here when they hurt again.

It hurts, but who could question God's plan for me?
So I wade a little deeper into the hurting sea.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm really not complaining, I swear. It just stings sometimes.