
This Cage -
Surrounding me and
Hiding me.
Making me hideous
in it's pits of dark.
It protects me
and betrays me.
Making everything harder than it was the day before
making everything unbearable and broken.

It's bars wrapping around my wrists -
Leaving marks of red on them..
They control me
break and mold me
They keep hold of me.

And I like it
I breathe in and take it.
Enjoy a pleasure
not meant to be pleasing at all.
I take cover in it
and let it dissolve me.
Even now,
it's so unbelievably amazing.
A permanent part of my life,
My Cage folds my future
and I bend to it's version of perfection.

It takes my blood,
Feeding on my hopelessnes,
It creates me,
Making me hate the person I was before.

It is my sheild.
My break and mistake.
My Cage is what makes me human,
and I'm alright with that.