In The Dust

You just dumped me.
You got a boyfriend,
You were so happy,
I was happy for you,
But you left me behind,
You didn’t care.
That first day we came back from the weekend,
You didn’t even say hello to me, not even a wave.
So what am I to you?
A backup buddy for when he dumps your sorry ass?
I won’t be there for you.
You didn’t take in my feelings,
You didn’t even care.
I tried,
I hinted even.
Then today,
You poke my side,
Right were it hurts,
You laugh,
Tell me ‘hi’,
I mumble a low greeting back.
Apparently you took the hint,
And fucking got lost.
I’m close to my boiling point.
So fucking close.
You fucking need to mature up,
Learn from my fucking first mistakes.
I ditched you when I first got a boyfriend,
I lost you as a friend.
Now you’re paying me back,
But what should I do?
Do you even care how I feel?
How much I hurt because you chose some other person, over the person who has been there for you the most?
Yes, you might not see it,
But I sure as hell do.
How I’m always here for you,
Always here for you to cry on,
To tell who you like to,
I’m here for you, so you can tell who you hate the most to.
But you don’t care,
I come last to you.
You have so many other friends that you like more than me,
So what if you started shit between us,
I still forgave you,
And yet you still treat me like shit,
Like I’m supposed to be on my hands and knees begging for forgiveness from you.
Hell you should be to me.
But I’m too nice.
I’m like your own personal stomping grounds.
Just wait, Taylor,
Wait till I’m sick and tired of you and I forget all about you,
Once your ‘perfect’ Camren,
Breaks up with you.
I won’t always be there for you.
I’ll laugh it off,
When you crush me,
Because you forgot about me,
My horses,
And most importantly,
Your best friend.