
I do not wish to see a dream filled with shadows and nightmares.
Though I see this every night,
I stil do not like the cold feeling of it.
This reminds me of something that people struggle with often.

Is it not like having a nightmare?
Is it not like living in a cold, dark world?
Is it not like always feeling that you are the only one who feels this way?

But what am I to know?
I am not better then all the rest.
I am strangled and choked by depression every day.
Yet i still put a smile on my face to make everyhting seem alright.
When I do, I can smile whole heartedly, like I haven't done since I was younger.

When your depressed, nothing matters.
No feeling.
Not even the whisper of the wind against you can make you feel cold.

Why did I feel this way?
Maybe I was always feeling left out amound my friends.
Often left to think about the futrue.
Which scares me the most.

Who am I to say that I should feel this way?
I have nothing to feel depressed about.
That is just who I am.
Alone is my strength.
Music is my soul.
Writing is my mind.

Shadows haunt me and pull at my very core.
Sending strange shivers down my back.
Making me feel weary at times.
But, at least I know that I can change everything with just a simple action.
To make everything seem ok again.