Missing You

No, i didnt really know you
but i heard alot about you.
You told her everything when you were a kid,
but now, how much did you keep hid?
They really didnt know
of all the pain you didnt show
You still had alot of life
did it end with a knife?
Things could have gotten better
did you leave a letter?
Your family cant focus clearly
the miss you dearly.
Why did you have to go
she didnt know you were that low.
With all the crying and all the pain
today should have been filled with rain.
She sobs because she misses you
why didnt you realize what this would do.
To you i was a stranger, yet i cried
my ears were slow to dry.
Other too cried for you
some of them you never knew.
I know things seemed bad
and that you were sad.
Things could have ended differently
you didnt need to be gone competely.
We all miss you so much
to your memory they will clutch.
This is a tragity
we love you dearly.
But now that you have closed your eyes
i guess we must say goodbye.

Kyle, no i didnt know you. And you didnt know me. But i am really close to someone who really loved you. You grew up together and you were basicly her big brother. She is completely lost with out you. She was looking forward to teaching you guitar. Love and miss you!