Vivid Imagination

>>Elisse, young and curious. Bright with such beauty;
makes thousands of stars filled with envy
Hoping she could come, come with me to run;
away from the horrible beasts we see.

Away we run, run away from what is frightening;
She closes her eyes to get away.
I simply stroke her hair, caress her in despair;
I'll make sure we'll stay together till the end of days.

>>Laurent, strong with pride; he is my life,
I'll love him forevermore.
He asks me to run, run with him;
there is nothing else I could ask for.

Away we run, run away together.
Frightened I was, I closed my eyes.
He simply stroked my hair, even when I was scared.
This is what love is, I realized.

Together we run, run and never stop;
We'll be together in the end.
Thousands of people will know;
We'll make love revive again.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my vivid imagination; comment swap?