
Why did i do it
Why did i let you go
Why did i say that
Why did i end it
I love you still

Why didnt you say
Why didnt you tell me you sill cared
WHy didnt you tell me how you feel

I felt like you didnt love me
I felt like you didnt care
I felt like i didnt no you anymore
i felt like you had drifted away

I never wanted to end it
I never wanted us to end
I never needed to feel like this

I see you in the street
I see you at the park
I see you i the mornings at the bus stop
I see your school bus everyday

Tetleys buses make me flip
I see you on it every morning at night

It feels like a part of me is missing
It feels like my heart has snapped in 2

You are with another
So am i
I love you tho
I dont no if you do tho

Have a happy life cause im moving on

Ive built my bridge and im nearly over it
If you have built yours to
then im happy for you

We are still friends
We still argue
We still torment

Which im happy about it

I love you forever
I'll always remember you
I'll always remember the good times

Goodbye my friend
Goodbye my soul mate
Goodbye my best friend
Goodbye my first love
Goodbye my boy
Goodbye till we meet again i hope

Maybe in the future we'll get back but for now its

GOODBYE MY LOVE!!! :,( xxxx