
The clouds that formed the dingy, grey, lifeless sky separated just long enough for the warmth of the bright star to shine upon me. The rays of sunshine formed momentary goosebumps through out my pale, exposed skin. For those short moments, I felt alive once again. I felt that there was some form of hope for me to continue breathing. But feelings drastically differ from some truths within a moment. The truth was; I had no idea what was causing me to have hope, or even what I could do to act upon it. Maybe it was a fictional hope. Maybe the goosebumps were genuinely caused by a slight breeze that I had disregarded because of my feelings. But regardless of what caused these feelings, or what my thoughts would later attempt to interpret them as; they were real. And I am now going to do everything in my power to experience these feelings as often as I possibly can. Thank you sun, for shedding your light and proving to me that no matter how rough things get, you are there in the background shining. Whither you are present and accounted for, or if you are stranded behind lifelessness and solitude; you will never stop shining. It has taken me a long enough time to realize the conclusion that I have attempted to achieve countless times. My conclusion is that you need to be the brightest star in your life. There may be others in the galaxy that can outshine you; but you are to not worry about the others. The goal is to simply be the light in YOUR life. Shine for yourself. Warm others. Be the light for some who have been searching in all of the wrong places. Do not let others dim your light or try to hide you. Simply continue to shine.