You Think You're Cool

I know you're hot, but I don't care.
I want a guy with a heart, not hair.

You're stuck up, and snotty, and you think you're cool.
Congratulations! You make shallow girls drool.

Okay, I admit, my friends are in your trap.
That doesn't mean I want to deal with your crap.

I've told her once, and I told her twice.
She still refuses my advice.

You've had a lot of girlfriends, more than I can count.
Trust me when I say, I know what you're about.

I've finally decided to ignore you and your crew.
So I tell you know stuck up snob-boy, I AM THROUGH WITH YOU!
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I know this guy, and I saw him the other day, and I thought "Gosh I hate you. You think your so cool." But one of my best friends is all like "Oh, he's so hot! I'm gonna go hang out with him!" and I'm like, "He's bad news. Don't." And she still doesn't listen to me!

Plus he's one of my friends brothers, and so it's not like I can stay away from him, and, in case you didn't notice (although I'm sure you did) I HATE HIM!