With You

What's wrong?
What's right?

In the end I turn left
Yet the maze goes on and on for miles more than we thought

Is there anywhere in this world where I don't feel alone?
Where I feel at home in my own skin?

Is there anything to make me want to live again?
To make this hollow numbness subside?

I'm dead
I'm a zombie
A puppet pretending I'm okay with strings that are breaking under the weight of the world

You look at me and pick me up
You blow the dust away from when I was shattered

A cannon through my heart
A knife in my back
A bullet wounds somehow shaped like hearts

We walk down the road together side by side
You pick up the pieces of my heart and tell me that it nothing super glue and duct tape can't fix

I laugh and shake my head

I don't need super glue
I don't need duct tape
When I'm with you, I'm whole again

I can't even imagine how on earth this relationship start
But however and regardless I'm glad it did

They say you must learn to love what is good for you
Normally I disregard such quotients
But with you, I'm starting to believe them

Not because I must learn to love you
But because I just need to learn to love again in general

But with you by my side we walk to less traveled path
We walk the high road

And I am learning to love again
Love you
And hopeful to love me, also.