Go Ahead

Go ahead hun,
I know what you wish to tell me,
You want me to go die in a hole,
I will but not today,
Not tomorrow or anytime soon,
That look you're giving me won't help,
You shoulda knew it was coming,
I'm sick and tired of you trying to force me to kiss you,
The hugs,
The notes,
The phone calls,
Everything irrated me,
I'm trying to get rid of all my stress,
But being with you worsens it,
And when you asked me if I really loved you,
Or what I said when we began again was still true,
I knew the answer,
I don't love you,
And those lyrics don't mean anything anymore,
Now go ahead and get ticked at me,
Go ahead and get another girlfriend,
I'll be smiling the whole darn time,
And when she leaves you for dead for these same reasons,
I'll just laugh and watch your spoiled butt drown as girls deny you for your stalkerish behavior.
Call me what you will,
I'm fine with it,
After all,
I'm already known as a satanist in school,
Rumors that amuse me will just go through,
But as I've said,
I don't care what you do,
Just don't include our friends in your bull crap,
I bet you will include them in this anyways,
I know you will,
That's what you're good at right?
Yeah well,
I guess this is all.