Thin Mist


Thin Mist

I am dead and yet I feel alive. I am scared, but no breath escapes my lips. I blink and I see my lover hovered He cries and pounds on my chest, but my skin gets colder and colder, my lips pale and blue, eyes dull and unseeing. I hear his desperate screams. Why, oh why does this have to happen to him? Is it a practical joke played by the Gods? He does not deserve such cruelty for he is too kind and selfless. I try to reach him, comfort him, there is only a thin mist between us and yet it is as hard as steel. I pound against the mist, screaming, but he cannot hear me. Why can I see him, hear him, but he not see me? He slowly starts to give up, his fists stop beating on my chest and he lays his head down. He whispers my name, I feel his breath on my ear. Tears cascade down his cheeks as he lifts my limp body and kisses me one last time. I feel that kiss as the mist clouded and rushed forward like a wall of water. I fell to my knees and closed my eyes, feeling a soft, firm hand on my shoulder before everything went dark.