Confusing as the Night Sky

All I see are stars
Dancing all around me.
I feel so lost in space.
Will someone come and find me?

All hope is gone.
My feelings are mixed.
I feel like I am falling
Into a black abbis.

My head is spinning.
I don't know what to think.
Should I fall in love with you?
Or should I back away?
I can't be quick with everything.
I don't know what to say.

Feeling as though I'm alone,
I look into your eyes.
They twinkle as if they were stars,
In the deep black night skies.
Your smile brighter than the moon,
Your laugh as smooth as silk.
Can I refrain myself?
No. Fall in love with you, I will.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, cheesy, I know. Like I said; I only came up with this in a matter of seconds. I do hope you enjoyed it.