Masochistic Beauty Queen

She lives a life of pestilence

Surrounded by a cloud of misery

She sings the saddest songs

With words of love and beauty

She dances like the devil

And smiles like a demon

Broken like a mirror

Edges sharp and jagged

The siren of my dreams

And I love the way she kills me

Blocking out the sun

But shining like the moon

A mask on all that is grim

She seduces me with death

Dragging me screaming to my end

She's like a paper doll

Yet she's so filled with life

Her kisses ever sweeter

Cut through me like a knife



Insane and demented

The most perfect of dreams

The true picture of evil

And she's crawling after me

Darkest of days

My fears have come out to play

She is taking over

And she is here to stay

Clawing through my skin

Whispering 'let me in'

Like a shroud

Of every last thing

That makes me hate

She brings me down

Laying by my side

"Are you ready to die?"

Everything I try to hide

Loose and free inside

There's nothing left

Except for her

This crazy bitch

Has won again

Now I'm just another

Amongst all of the others

In her jar of lies

And graveyard of souls
♠ ♠ ♠
This is inspired by a very complicated little love triangle I had going on. No, it has no set chorus, but I would like to make it into a song soon. Please comment suggestions. Btw it will not space into proper verses like I want it to. I'm sorry I have no idea how to fix that xD