The Remains

Hands reaching out.
Pulling out the bodies,
Out from under tragedy.

I feel the cold hands, of my brothers,
Rescuing me, saving me,
From what's left,
The collateral.


Breath ashes in,
Let the anguish out.
Let out a cry.
A bitter sound.
We've only got one thing left now,
Scrape our lives out
From under the remains.

Voices calling out,
The names of the lost,
Praying that they would come.

I can see the pain, of others,
All the weeping, seeping
Their hands...

As we cry over their bodies.
Trying to believe in a better place.
Pretending they are still with us.
When all we have left.


You cannot lie to me
I know better,
I can see the agony,
Death with a capital letter.
And I know I'm perfectly sane,
When I see all that remains.