New Mommy

The things i do
the things i say,
getting judged
in every way,
cause im not like you
were not the same,
for to you im stupid
dumb and lame,
and the choices i've made
to you they are wrong,
but this is my story
so lets make it long,
started out with a kiss
but soon led to sex,
not knowing what to do
cause a pregnancy's next,
im simply just a teen
for im not even a wife,
but if a child i've made
i will not take their life,
for everyone deserves a chance
to simply take a breath,
and if everyone else leaves me
my family is all i have left,
you say your gonna be there
and not discriminate,
but what your calling love
is coming off as hate,
so a baby girl
or a baby boy,
someone to be
my pride and joy,
a kid thats mine
to call my own,
never will they be
scared, helpless, or alone,
for ill always be there
to love and to hold,
loving them for who they are
to the inner depths of their soul,
yea i may have slipped up
but a mistake my kid wont be,
ill love you forever
signed a new mommy <3