The Tears I Shed

The tears I shed
For the sorrows of humanity,
Are born in my heart
And die at my lips.
Sorrowful lives wasted away
From sheer ignorance.
And the champagne of life
Is taken in large sips.

Though our sips are small,
We are not excused.
We think ourselves higher
But we are one in the same.
No greater or lesser
Than the man right next to us
It is the things we do
That gives us a worthy name

And I stand unseen
In your narrow view
But, your eyes are wide
So I am left without understanding.
We are not exempt
From the faults of humanity
I take notice of mine
With everything I do

Dual messages go up in flames
And fall upon death ears
My own mind is clustered
With words of salvation and of question.
The choice I give
Is for you alone
Shall I give up both?
Or continue pursuit for years?

The tears I shed
For the confusion and rejection,
Are born in my heart
And die there as well
My life is wasted away
By waiting
So it will be
No longer