Crossing Waters and Soaring Through Skies

The moment when the sun
Drips from the sky,
And paints the ocean
With its purples and reds
At the place where the two meet
In awkward embrace
The ocean, in its agony
Lets out a wrangled cry.

Pained waters
Look up in admiration
To the one who’s so strong,
It needs no support
If only it could
Overcome the boundaries.
But that would curse it
Into utter damnation.

Unreachable are the clouds
That are sewn.
The glittering stars
That litter its surface
Are the only way to get
Just a glimpse of the inside
Its beauty reveals
How the ocean is truly alone

It attempts to mimic
The sky’s likeness,
Though it contained
Most of the traits in itself.
It reflects the light
The colors, the windy waves.
Only to show its devotion
To it and its kindness.

The sky changes
Every once in a while.
Elusive grey and cloudy
-Hiding from questions.
And stormy-
Its merciless fury at the world.
Every one of its changes,
Its faults, make the ocean smile.

What the sky doesn’t know
Or just ignores,
Is the pain
That the ocean feels around it.
It is hidden
In the secret depths and trenches.
They’re full of sunken treasures,
Creatures, and tempting allures.

But one day,
The ocean thinks.
One day
I shall reach the sky.
And the ocean hopes and wishes,
But soon realizes
That it is a lost cause,
And the heart of the ocean began to sink.

Never to return for the light of day.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just want to warn you. It sucks. I am so sorry. I will fix it later.