time stood still for them

Maybe she went with arms out wide, hiding nothing and leaving all for show
or held them crossed across her chest, intertwined secrets settling within her core-

I passed on roughly by, wheels churning, metal shrieking, clock hands passing-
time had always stood still for them,
different faces, different names- they stay, surrounded amongst strangers-

The air thick, breathing in and out rhythmically,
I see them in the distance,
forgetting to breathe momentarily, heart faults for a beat or two-
I felt their fate then-ever so suddenly, ever so briefly

Time stood still for them,
as I passed on by

glancing away, all pain and strain dwindled down to show, all that really ever remains-

She stood taller than the rest,
maybe a dancer, building up dust with torn and blood stained toes, as she pranced about
striving for that curtain call, and
that bouquet of already dying red roses that followed, with her smile stained with pride-
Irony spreads like wild fire across my lips,
she and I shall never meet-

for time stands still for them,
and I am only passing by –

Wild thoughts linger like an early morning fog,
maybe we were one the same -
young and eager and free.
eager to search every corner, feed every hunger-

hope like mad that time didn’t slip through the gaps of our fingers-
holding true father time’s perfect illusion, ‘’we have all the time in the world, my dear’’
maybe she held that echo true, let it all slip through-

maybe she danced and sung till her hearts content, or
side-tracked by plans, maybe, of what she ought to be,
and what she ought to see-

Foolishly I hoped quietly that she stayed true, lived just and quite for no one else-
I never knew her, nor will I ever,
all that she did, she did for no other- and only she could ever remember

Time stands still for them, you see
and I’m just passing by

tallest amongst them, I watched her now-
I felt her fate suddenly, effortlessly
I knew what she meant-

now was time to live; effortlessly, wholeheartedly
the way she may have, or may not have-

I passed roughly by, wheels churning, metal shrieking, clock hands passing-
hypnotised I watched, the gleam of the early morning sun
strike upon the angel, that held open arms; guarding her over her final resting bed

- Maybe she went out with her arms out wide, hiding nothing, leaving all for show
or held them crossed across her chest, intertwined secrets settling within her core,

or maybe she went out the way I intend to,
arms held out wide- leaving all for show, but, with hands folded in,
knowing oh too well I hold too many secrets that have settled in my core,
many intertwined dreams only I could ever fathom and explore-
that quite nobody will ever know these adventurous thoughts of mine

Time stood still for her,
as I passed on by,
glancing back, the sun gleaming bright,
forgetting to breath momentarily,
for I thought I saw the angel smile; ever so suddenly, ever so briefly as I passed on by.