
I may look happy and confident on the outside,
Act like a weirdo who you find funny
But on the inside I'm insecure
And feel as though I'm unloved and worthless to anyone and everyone.
I feel empty and forgotten,
Behind closed doors my eyes are no longer dry,
And my skin becomes scarred,
With every cut I make a wish for something,
Like to be loved not forgotten,
To feel alive not empty and drained,
And to feel as though I'm worth something not nothing,
These wishes never come true,
I try to make myself hurt but it seems to never work,
I feel as though if i go the world will be a better place,
When my heart shall no longer race.

Just thought I'd let you know,
That inside I'm always feeling low.
No one will ever get to see this side of me
Because it is a wall hidden inside