If I Had the Chance...

If I had the chance
To tell you I'm sorry,
I'd take it,
Knowing that I need to tell you that.

If I had the chance
To fall asleep in your arms,
I wouldn't because
It just wouldn't feel...right...

If I had the chance
To be your girl,
As much as I wanted to,
I wouldn't because
We wouldn' t last
After what I've done to you,
I don't deserve you...

If I had the chance
To go back in time
And make sure you never knew,
I would because
None of this ever would've happened
And my life wouldn't be covered up by a girl who isn't the real me,
I'd still be the real me if it weren't for you...
And I wouldn't be so afraid of falling in love again...

But like you'd ever care though.
No one does.
And that's okay because one day I'm gonna get too overwhelmed with it all
And just blow.
Then maybe someone will finally care.