
I looked at the photo album
And memories came flooding back
So many dark things,
Just a thick shade of black

Normal people would think,
"I had such a good time"
or, "I had so much fun"
But not me

I thought,
"I started cutting right after that"
Or, "That's the day I threw up,
So I wouldn't feel fat"

Normal people would've seen their birthday photo
And remember their gifts
Or party guests

But not me
I remembered being so deperate
That I cut myself with my house key

For once, I'd just like to remember the good times
Not the bad ones
But their are tons

Tons of awful images
That are stuck in my mind
I replay them, time after time

Then I saw that picture
It was taken on a autumn day
The same day
That I almost threw my life away

I still remember it clearly
How I sighned the word "beautiful"
In my leg, sincerely

I thought I was gone for good
But I woke up
With my leg, covered in blood

That's an event I'll never forget
And sometimes the waking up part,
Is the part I regret