Companion For the Mind

There's no other way for me to lose myself,
I've cut myself too deep to feel the pain anymore,
And now I don't remember who I am,
Because I've trapped myself behind closed doors.

I can't keep myself closed for long,
But I've grown obsessed with what I've become,
I can't hold on to sanity anymore,
The addiction creeping in from the cracks in the floor.

Filling the void with the air that you breathe,
But every hour slips by as I embrace this heavy solitude,
Feeding the silence with screams from my heart,
But everytime I breathe you're never there.

There's nothing left inside this place,
Just a decaying reflection of you and I,
But we are two sides of the same coin,
The extension of myself that has taken over.

I try to connect my thoughts back together,
But I always find myself drifting into a nightmare of confusion,
A nightmare where dreams only exist on the other side,
Where my voice has been silenced by a creation of my own lies.

I've cut myself too deep to feel the pain anymore,
I've frozen myself in time struggling to find my inner core,
Now I'm left to embrace the addiction that is now my insanity,
Now I'm left to face my obsession with everything that is left inside of me.