Lucifer's Toast

Here’s a toast to a devilish man
(Quite the man of the hour!)
Might I just say that knowing you’s been,
Like a four AM cold shower?

Yes, you are truly a king of hearts,
(Off with their heads! You scream.)
You have an uncanny way with words.
(Though I seldom know what you mean...)

I’ve never met a being so cryptic,
(Aside from the Rosetta Stone)
Or with such a knack to single one out,
(So that they might feel alone.)

Here’s to a man who’s really got it.
(So hot his lover gets burnt!)
Here’s to the guy who (through hard-knock teaching)
Makes sure the lesson is learned.

Here’s to a man who replaces a heart,
(As another person might a shoe.)
Here’s to a man who walks around,
With never just one heart, but two!

Here’s to a king, really a master
(At giving away goodbyes.)
And one last toast, for our good host.
Here’s to all of your lies.