With every waking Day

Thus does creep a new dawn.
A horizon of color brought forth to outline our hopes,
Our dreams.
With every waking day does lie truth hidden from view.
Mysteries of a passing storm and the soil drenched with life.
Winter apon us,
Like wolves on the prowl.
Take heed and make haste.
The time has come.
Ready every man,
And bodies willing to die for a promise of salvation.
This is our fate now.
On a warriors oath we shall tear them down as a wall of ash.
The sky will break once more,
And the mystery solved.
With every waking day rests a chance for victory.
Our glory,
Our name,
Shall live on in those who yearn to tell the tale.
Fear not the distant beat of the enemy drumb.
There must be a calm before the roar of thunder.
With every waking day does the bird sing a song!
The song of triumph,
And peace!
A song for all to hear that from our dreams we shall fly!
On wings of iron clad,
Ascend to face this beacon of the coming threat.
Drown them in the blood of fallen allies!
This is not our final stand,
Simply another challange for the strong and brave of heart.
Show them the eyes of true force.
Look every foe face to face.
Break them,
And bone.
This will be our time.
A promise to be kept.
With every waking day comes an end to the road which we find ourselves,
Wondering which way to go next.
Every journey takes hold.
Be it for wealth,
Even death.
We all choose a path...
And must see it end.
The moon brings grace to some,
Can tempt evil.
The sun hides the face of devils,
Can raise the corrupt to arms.
Whatever twisting turns we make our lives to be,
Judgement will be ours,
We change the text and create a gaping mark in history.
A battle cry to shake the world as one.