Are we Over?

I knew it was gonna end like this all along,
My friend who knew tried to warn me of this,
But it didn't keep me from trying.
I wish it had, but it's too late to go back and fix it all.

This has already happened to me before,
But it wasn't the same though.
The first guy wasn't as close to me as this one was
After Mr. First found out, he never talked to me again

However, me and number two were really good friends
At one point, we even called each other siblings
But that was then, and this is now.
Now, he eventually found out.
Told me he'd known for a while

I had no idea he knew.
Never did I plan on telling him I liked him
Cause that would instantaneously dissolve our strong friendship
But I guess I screwed up somewhere and he found out anyway.

I sit around, nervously looking at my phone.
It eyes me back as I begin to get sick.
I asked him if we were still friends,
But something in my gut tells me we're over.

As my eyes begin to fill with tears,
I remember the happier times together
Before the're gone forever.
I just didn't expect this to happen like it did.
I had it all planned out, now who knows what'll happen?
Are we over or not?
I didn't want to risk losing our friendship over this.